
Profit or Loss

Find out if you got profit or loss in stocks.

Birthday Palindrome

Check if your birthday is palindrome

Fun with Triangles

Bunch of fun stuff regarding triangles

Is your Birthday lucky?

Check if your birthday is lucky

Cash Register Manager

Don't have to calculate change ever again

My Favs App

Collection of my favourite books, movies and tv series. Everyone have thier favourites.

Food-emoji App

Know the meaning of food emojis by either typing in or selecting from the list below.

Iam Groot App

Translates English to Groot Language. Try saying "I am Groot"

Banana App

Translates English to Minion Language. Try saying "I am hungry"

Iron Man Quiz

A CLI quiz app to know how well you know Iron Man.

Know me?

A CLI quiz app to know how well you know me.